Church leaders offer words of warning, encouragement and some practical advice on what to do when ICE agents knock on church doors looking for people to deport.
United Methodists are among the Christian and Jewish bodies suing to prevent ICE agents from intruding on their ministry with immigrants and their worship.
United Methodist-related Africa University is among the institutions struggling as employees with jobs funded by the United States Agency for International Development stop getting paychecks.
Pickett Chapel has served both Black and white congregations over nearly 200 years. The fingerprints of enslaved people who built this church can still be seen today.
Collections for United Methodist general-church ministries dropped in 2024, but financial leaders expect the denomination’s much smaller budget will better align with giving going forward.
Ambitious plans are brewing at the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, in a time when budgets in The United Methodist Church are being cut. Top executive Ashley Boggan talks about those plans and raising the money to pay
Korean and Hispanic/Latino church leaders voice concern about the United Methodist Publishing House’s decision to no longer translate the Book of Discipline due to financial pressures.