A soccer-loving pastor has used his passion to nurture young players’ skills and draw new members to St. James Hwedza United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe.
Church works to promote breastfeeding in Congo
As part of World Breastfeeding Week, United Methodists organized information and awareness-raising sessions to support the health of mothers and children.
How would John Wesley vote?
With the U.S. election approaching, the United Methodist Board of Church and Society’s Election Toolkit guides members of the denomination on the values they should keep in mind as they decide who gets their vote.
Embattled Christian farmers in Holy Land refuse to hate
Amid increased harassment from Israeli settlers, a Lutheran Palestinian family continues its nonviolent struggle to keep the “Tent of Nations” farm.
Social media graphics from UM News
Meme on Mark 9:37 is available to download and share on social media.
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